A young business boy dressed in business suit wearing cardboard wings and aviator goggles is ready to fly his business into the sky. He is running on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, USA.

Do you want to organise a press trip and are you in need of journalists or bloggers? With our extensive network, we can arrange that our matching journalists or bloggers write one or (even better) several stories for publication.

A story about your destination’s highlights will put your destination in the spotlight from a different perspective. It means that your destination will be approached from other angles than the traditional ones and that different target groups will be reached. Both the press trip and the program will be coordinated by the desti- nation. This way, the journalists or bloggers can present your destination to the fullest and write articles that fits your strategy.

  • The journalist or blogger will visit your destination and he or she will write about the destination’s highlights.
  • If possible the article will also be published on CityZapper.
  • You will arrange (together with Zapper PR) a fitting program for the blogger or journalist.
