January 24, 2020

Trade Belgium

What makes Zapper PR unique? The strength of Zapper PR lies in the collaboration with the trade. We have a wide network of travel professionals and maintain good relations with owners, productmanagers and sales managers of tour operators, online travel agencies (OTA) and independent travel agents. Zapper PR’s trade department is in daily contact with the trade and we are always open to new suggestions and ideas and look forward to nice collaborations. Please contact Ypie Kingma of Zapper Group bv to discuss the possibilities.

We believe strongly that it is very important to keep the trade constantly informed about new and most inspiring destinations, our win actions, future fam trips and the latest trends and developments in the travel world. Therefore, we will send a monthly newsletter (in Dutch) especially for the trade. Attractive promotional materials such as video’s can easily be included in the digital newsletters. Don’t miss anything and sign up now for free via this link! Or send an email to trade@zappergroup.com to sign up.

Enhance your knowledge more often? Do you like to learn online and at your own tempo? We have the great possibility to train travel agents and tour operators online via our own e-learnings. The E-learning tool is the ideal solution to train and to communicate the highlights from several destinations through attractive images, video’s, fact sheets and 360-degree video’s. The e-learnings are accessible on any device – mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop, and you can follow it whenever works for them (24/7). Try it out now and broaden your knowledge! Visit our Dutch e-learnings or French e-learnings.

Through our Facebook Community we can quickly and easily communicate news to dedicated travel professionals in the Netherlands and Belgium. In this way, you are able to surprise your clients with new information. Join our Facebook community now and don’t miss an update! Please note that our Facebook Community is mainly available in Dutch.